Our Next Concert – save the date:
Saturday 10th May 2025
Stour Singers’ 50th Anniversary Celebration
Brahms’ Requiem
With Lynn Arnold, Charles Matthews, Robyn Pullen and Roderick Williams OBE
Understudy to Mr Williams: Alex Pratley
Tickets available via Ticketsource from 1st March
‘Community music-making at its best’ (Stratford Herald)
We offer an exciting and ambitious programme of major choral works which includes many of the all-time favourites and some little-known masterpieces. The choir presents two major concerts per year, in May and December. The choir is a member of Making Music, the National Federation of Music Societies, and aims to spread the joy of music, especially welcoming school students (at no cost) as choir members, and ensuring that accompanied children are admitted free to concerts.

New singers are warmly welcomed, whatever their experience. We do not hold auditions. All we ask is a desire to sing (and regular attendance at rehearsals!). Need help with sight-singing? We produce MP3s of the individual parts so that less experienced singers can get to know the music at their own pace.